Course curriculum

  • 01
    Before we begin...
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  • 02
    Tai Chi Basics
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    • Lesson #1 - Arms Bows Open and Close
    • Lesson #2 - Stretch and Sink
    • Lesson #3 - Whole body open and close
    • Lesson #4 - Silk Reeling
    • Lesson #5 - Level wipe and High/Low wipe
    • Lesson #6 - Vertical Circle
    • Lesson #7 - Yang Style Basic Stances
    • Lesson #8 - Yang Style Basic Footwork
    • Lesson #9 - Yang Style Forward Step Brush Knee
    • Tai Chi Basics Demonstration
    • Test your learning
  • 03
    Qi Gong Health
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    • Qi Gong 8 Moves (氣功八式) FREE PREVIEW
    • Eight Section Brocade (八段錦) - with audio prompts
    • Eight Section Brocade (八段錦) - demo
    • Five Animals (五禽戲) - with audio prompts
    • Five Animals (五禽戲) - demo
    • Ma Wang Dui (馬王堆導引術 ) - with audio prompts
    • Ma Wang Dui (馬王堆導引術 ) - demo
    • Tendon Changing Classic (易筋經) - with audio prompts
    • Tendon Changing Classic (易筋經) - demo
    • Da Wu (大舞) - with audio prompts
    • Da Wu (大舞) - demo
    • Taiji Health Stick (太極養生杖) - Basic Exercises FREE PREVIEW
    • Taiji Health Stick (太極養生杖)